A collection of songs for musicians / singers
Chords and Lyrics
Some of these song links will take you to another web site called OurWholeWorld.com. It is an interesting site. Sailorsongs.com is a great site for sea shanties
There are an awful lot of Irish songs that can keep you updated for a gig at an Irish pub or just for St Patty's day.
Kids songs, and Songs for All Ages are also found at OurWholeWorld.com.
The kids songs list offers a great deal of fun songs to entertain children at a day care center or even at your home. Songs for all Ages are a collection of Oldies that are sometimes hard to find and often interesting to play or sing to. There are some chord symbols but no written melodies. The lyrics are there of course.
Stephen Foster Songs and Patriotic Songs are right here on this website. If you don't know who Stephen Foster was this is a great time to learn a bit about an American songwriter.
Stephen Foster

Stephen Collins Foster was born on July 4, 1826 and he died from a fall and fever on January 13, 1864. In his 37 years on Earth he wrote some of the most memorable songs that we have in America.
On this site you can see some of his most remarkable songs with the chords included.
When you start to read the words of the songs many of you will recognize the tune.
Do you remember " Oh Suzannah"? Well, that was written by him.
He was married and his wife left him in 1861 - they got back together in 1862 for a short time. He was a terrible business man and lost huge amounts of money by selling his songs for low money and taking other desperate measures.
Stephen was a heavy drinker for some years and became an alchoholic. In 1857 it is said that he had sold all of the rights to his future writing of songs for $1,900.
Most of the money made from his songs went to publishers and to performers.